Friday, May 11, 2012

Module 5 - New Technologies

When I first began working in the field of education, SMART Boards were the newest thing and I was fortunate enough to be one of the first teachers on our campus to get one.  We were trained hands on with this new device and were expected to use it daily in our classrooms.  Many of the teachers, however, did not utilize this equipment when they were able to get one in their classroom and it was instead just taking up space in a corner. 

It was disappointing because there were many other teachers who wanted to have the equipment that others weren’t using and in many instances they could not get them.  The teachers felt that they could do the same thing with their traditional white or even chalk boards that could be done.  They were accustomed to using something old and close minded about trying something new.  Whenever someone asked about getting the equipment from them, many were hesitant or insistent on keeping the equipment in case they would use it “eventually”. 

Using the ARCS model, teachers could be encouraged to pay attention to how others were using SMART Boards so they can possibly implement some of the same strategies in their own classrooms.  Relevance can be used in this way also by seeing who on the grade level or subject area was using the boards, or through finding information on ways that the SMART Board could help drive instruction.  Confidence can be built by allowing teachers opportunities to practice using the technology before having to do so with their students.  Teachers could gain more satisfaction with the technology by having the support and training available to them that they feel they need.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,

    I can idenitify with your description of the teachers not using the SMART Boards. I see some of the same things at my school with the teachers that are hesitant to integrate the technology we have. You've got some great ideas for encouraging teachers to implement strategies in their own classrooms. Great post!
